In this blog post we have set aside old wives’ tales, separated fact from fiction and highlighted the all important health benefits of organic, cold-pressed castor oil. Read, enjoy, share and be sure to comment below and let us know how castor oil has helped you.
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Our Top 8 Benefits of Castor Oil
Immune Health - One of the major reasons castor oil has strong immune-enhancing effects is because it supports the body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is found throughout the whole body and is essentially the drainage network in the body. The lymphatic fluid removes excess fluids and waste materials from our cells. A small study found that adults who wore castor oil packs had increased lymphocytes compared with patients who used placebo packs. Lymphocytes are the body’s main immune cells and defend the body against foreign substances, such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells that can threaten its functioning.
Detoxification – As mentioned above, castor oil supports the lymphatic system. Once the lymphatic fluid has removed excess fluids and waste materials from our cells, it sends it back into the bloodstream to be cleared by the kidneys and liver. The liver is the main cleansing organ in the body. By putting the castor oil compress over the liver area (on the right-hand side of the body, under the ribcage) you may help support the liver to detoxify. Castor oil packing has also been shown to increase levels of glutathione – a cleansing compound that helps to release the build-up of toxins in your body.
Improves Circulation – A healthy lymphatic system and proper blood flow go hand in hand to keep blood and lymphatic fluid levels balanced. When the lymphatic system becomes sluggish, it’s much more likely someone will develop circulatory problems such as water retention or oedema. The lymphatic system affects the health of various organs, including the heart, lung, and brain. Therefore castor oil could have an impact on our circulation and offer a boost of health to major organs.
Anti-Inflammatory - Castor oil is crammed full of ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid, which has the same chemical structure as the body’s natural anti-inflammatory prostaglandin. Applied topically, using a castor oil compress, it can provide significant relief for period pain, back and joint pain as well as, inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. For the most effective results use a castor oil pack in combination with a hot water bottle or heat pad.
Relieves Constipation and Bloating - Castor oil has been used for centuries to treat constipation and bloating. The ricinoleic acid binds to receptors on the smooth muscle cells of the intestinal wall and causes them to contract and push the waste through the intestines, resulting in a bowel movement, less gut inflammation and less bloating.
Encourages Hair and Eyebrow Growth - Because castor oil increases circulation while also providing intense moisture it’s no wonder that it’s hailed as a wonder treatment for hair and scalp. It has been known to promote hair growth- leaving your mane thicker, stronger and shinier and due to it’s moisturising properties, it’s also a miracle treatment for those who suffer from dandruff. Castor oil can also be carefully applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes.
Promotes Wound Healing – Castor oil helps heal wounds by stimulating the growth of new tissue, reducing dryness and preventing the buildup of dead skin cells.
Helps Dry and Acne Prone Skin - Due to its antibacterial properties, castor oil can be used as a moisturiser as well as an, anti-inflammatory treatment for acne prone skin. For dry, flaky and itchy skin - apply directly to problem areas like knees, heels and elbows and see results in no time!
After reading our ‘Top 8 Benefits of Castor Oil’ we are sure you can appreciate why we are so passionate about this incredibly beneficial and versatile product. But don’t take our word for it- try it for yourself!