Do my hormones need balancing?

Do my hormones need balancing?

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It’s February, the days are getting longer, the dawn chorus has returned and if the supermarkets, department stores and Moonpig are to be believed - love is well and truly in the air.
So what inspires this phenomenon in both animals and humans? We took it upon ourselves to find out.


Do my hormones need balancing? Do my hormones need balancing?
Do my hormones need balancing? Do my hormones need balancing?


What scientists say

According to scientists ‘spring fever’ is brought on by hormonal changes in the body. During the winter months our bodies produce more melatonin (a hormone which affects sleep - wake cycles and mood) but as soon as Spring arrives, the retina, which connects to the brain via the optic nerve, registers the increased levels of daylight and prompts a hormonal change and adjustment in the amount of melatonin produced. But what happens when you have a hormone imbalance?

What are hormones and why are they so important?

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various processes in our body.They are essential to our health. There are over 50 hormones in the body and they are essential for:

  • Metabolism
  • Reproduction
  • Growth, repair and development
  • Mood and cognitive function
  • Circadian rhythm
  • Internal balance – blood pressure, blood sugar, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance

Is it time for a hormone ‘reset’?

Now that we know what hormones are and the role they play in our bodies, how do we know if they are balanced or not? Common signs of hormone imbalance include:

  • Mood swings
  • Heavy, painful or irregular periods
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Acne
  • Headaches
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Low sex drive
  • Infertility
  • Loss of muscle mass


How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance
How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance


Ways to balance your hormones


Eat healthy fats and protein

Low fat diets discourage the body from producing serotonin, a chemical that carries messages between nerve cells in the brain and body. It plays a pivotal role when it comes to mood, sleep, wound healing, digestion and sexual desire. Proteins help to stabilise blood sugar levels, which could prevent energy slumps, keep you fuller for longer and help maintain weight.


Lower your sugar intake

Too much sugar can cause insulin resistance which can lead to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol.


Look after your gut

If your gut isn’t in tip-top condition this can result in hormone imbalances. 95% of serotonin is stored and produced in the gut which is why people with an unhealthy gut microbiome might suffer with depression and/or anxiety.


Get enough sleep

Sleep and hormones are a two way street. Sleep impacts hormones and hormone levels impact sleep. Finding the right balance is crucial. It is imperative you get adequate sleep as sleep effects hormones such as:

  • Cortisol
  • Oestrogen and progesterone
  • Insulin
  • Thyroid hormones


Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is incredibly important when it comes to hormones. It has been found that the body of a person who is obese is often unable to receive hormone messages. This effects weight gain, sex drive, growth and behaviour/mood.


How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance
How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance


How Castorvida castor oil packs support hormonal balance


1. Supports liver detoxification:

Our liver detoxes everything we eat, breath and absorb; it is involved in digestion and blood sugar sugar balance, and is critical for hormone balance. The liver regulates oestrogen levels and eliminates excess hormones from the bloodstream. By applying your castor oil pack over your liver area (on the right-hand side of the body, under the ribcage), it may help decongest the liver to support detoxification and hormonal balance.


2. Bowel movement

Castor oil helps to stimulate smooth muscle contraction. Your colon is a smooth muscle and by contracting it, it pushes waste through the intestines, resulting in a bowel movement. Excess hormones that have been eliminated by the liver, are excreted through waste so daily bowel movements are essential to rid the body of excess oestrogen. By applying your castor oil pack over your abdomen, you may help support regular bowel movements and support hormone balance.


3. Lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system drains and removes toxins, waste products and excess hormones. The lymphatic system also helps move and circulate progesterone in the body. Progesterone helps keep oestrogen in balance. If the lymphatic system is stagnant, it could cause imbalance in sex hormones, causing oestrogen to rise and cause oestrogen dominance. Castor oil helps to improve circulation and lymphatic flow. By placing a castor oil pack on your abdomen you could help get the lymphatic system moving.


4. Reducing inflammation

Inflammation often goes hand in hand with imbalanced hormones. Castor oil is made up of a chemical called ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid, which has the same chemical structure as the body’s natural anti-inflammatory prostaglandin. Applied topically, using a castor oil pack, it may help lower inflammation in the body and reduce things like period pain and aching joints.


5. Stress reduction

Too much stress also can cause irregular periods, infertility, mood swings, irritability as well as a decreased libido in men and women. By applying a castor oil pack topically, you are taking time out for yourself and relaxing. Many of our customers say tying the compress around your body feels like a hug. This sensation may help release your feel-good hormones, which in turn, lowers your stress hormones.

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Castorvida Castor Oil Pack

Convenient and easy to use pack, contains our organic fleece cotton and an eco-friendly polyurethane cold-pressed, organic castor oil.

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